Financial Checkup
Improve Your Financial Wellbeing
A Financial Checkup is critical to your financial wellbeing. Together we will review your credit report looking for fraud, and show you specific steps you can take that will improve your score and find areas you can save money. Let’s evaluate your financial health and prescribe your next steps. A complimentary credit report with score is part of our free financial checkup service.
We are here to help, call to schedule your free Financial Checkup.
Know Your Score Before You Borrow
Glacier Hills Credit Union use FICO scores from TransUnion in our consumer lending decisions. Video at:
Free Annual Credit Report
You can view your report for FREE one time a year at from each of the three credit reporting agencies. is the only official site explicitly directed by Federal law to provide them. While the report is free, you have the option of purchasing your credit score. Additional information about your free annual credit report can be found on the Federal Trade Commission website .
What is a Credit Score?
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When you make a payment on a loan, the company that gave you the loan keeps a record of how much and often you pay. Those companies and other sources report this information to one or more credit reporting companies. The credit reporting companies combine the information from those reports into a single credit file. Three nationwide companies prepare credit files for people in the U.S.: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.
Improve Your Score
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The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) say that you should be wary of companies that claim they can repair your credit. These companies don't do anything for you that you can't do on your own for free.
Glacier Hills Credit Union can help. With our Free Financial Checkup, we will review your credit report with you. Together we will look for fraud, and show you specific steps you can take that will improve your score and find areas you can save money. There is not a magical fix to improve your score overnight, but with a plan and some dedication, you will see your score improve.
What Makes Up Your Credit Score
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Your credit score is calculated from many different pieces of credit data in your credit report. There are five categories that make up your score.
Payment history
Amount owed
Length of credit history
New credit accounts
Mix of credit accounts
Both positive and negative information in your credit report will determine your score. For example, late payments will lower your score, but re-establishing a good payment history will raise your score. Good balances and habits will earn you a high score. With our free Financial Checkup, we will review your credit report with you and look for areas that may need balanced.